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Charity. In the dungeons of hell where galgos rise up from a galga trembles and wants the walls to swallow her. She doesnt want to know life anymore. Scared of her shadow of her own breath.. she awaits the beating shes received so many times. What did she ever do that was so wrong? What did she do other than be born a galga. A beating bag for a weak cowards frustrations. Illness doomed her unworthy.. little to her galgueros knowledge for care he simply does not. She.. just simply cannot run. For heart worm took her over.On a plea I took her and I am thankful I did.I went to visit Miss Charity today. Renamed from Basi.. for Charity is what brought her to life. It kept her alive though in her eyes she prefers death. She doesnt know what the point of living is for.Charity remains in the clinic soon to begin filaria treatment. On aspirin for the moment. We await the arrival of the product here out of stock but ordered elsewhere.Rosa informed me that they cannot get near her and her fear is so immense they dont want to break this poor souls spirit anymore than it is. As they approach her carefully she turns to bite .. grasping at any means not to be hurt. Unaware that this is OVER. Its over my love.I went in and chatted softly.. crumbling she shakes begging the walls to swallow her up.I open the door slowly and talk softly. I place my hand along her body which rocks below my fingers. She looks the white in her eyes speak volumnes.. she doesnt turn on me to attack and bite. Rosa sweetly smiles at me in disbelief. For Im the first person who shes accepted. I long for this girl to come home. I promised her as I caressed her gently that its over. That I will slowly quietly take the shattered pieces away from her heartbreak and I will place it back together. That with every moment of pleasure she will one day feel piece by piece.. her heart will mend. She will be cleansed and whole again if it takes me forever I will not foresake her. I will honour her and as Sofia was with me asking me gently if she will be wotking with Charity I said yes. I will not let her stay in her fear.. she will be removed from her past and slowly she will see just what she held on for against the odds.First and foremost her heart needs to be strong to face her treatment. From there we build her a new life. All of us together.. Charity my love.. hold on pumpkin hold on. For life will change.. just hold on.Lights on candles burn bright for Charity needs our prayers for strength and love. Hold on Charity... hold on.

words by charlotte


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